The Largest Construction Vehicles In The WorldThe Largest Excavator - Terex RH 400The Terex RH400 - the worlds largest hydraulic shovel - weighs 1078 Tons with a shovel capacity of 94 tons in a single scoop. The RH400 has the working ability to scoop up around 9900 tons of material every hour which is a world record for a vehicle of this type. The Terex RH400 price tag is 11 Million Dollars.

The Largest Haul Truck - The Liebherr T282The Liebherr T 282B is an off-highway, ultra class, rigid frame, two-axle, diesel/electric, AC powertrain haul truck designed and manufactured in USA . It's offering one of the largest haul truck payload capacities in the world, up to 400 short tons (363 t).

Biggest Earth Mover - LeTourneau L-2350Designed to center-load haul trucks with capacities of up to 400 tons, the L-2350 provides an operating payload of 160,000 pounds, a 24-foot lift height, and an 11.5-foot reach.? Operational weight 258 tons? 2300 Horsepower? 16 Cylinder 65.0 Liters Detroit Diesel Turbocharged Aftercooler Engine? Hydraulic lifting payload 72 tons? Standart Bucket 40,52 m³? FuelTank 3974.68 Liters? Hydraulic Oil 1230 Liters? Tyres 70/70-57 SRG DT ( diameter 4 m and width 1.78 m)

The Largest Bulldozer - Komatsu D575A-3SDThe biggest dozer in the series is the "Superdozer" called the D-575A-3. The Komatsu superdozer is powered by a turbo-loaded, drawer-air-cooled 12 cylinder diesel with the code name SA12V170E. This motor which develops a performance range of 1150 HP has the capacity equal to the tank-content of a medium-range car with 1800 r.p.m. The awesome performance of this mighty engine and tremendous motor-torque allow this superdozer enormous feats of pushing strength of over 485,000 lb. The colossal blade, which is carried majestically by the D-575A-3, has a capacity of unbeatable 90 yd^3 which allows it to push 348,000 lb of overburden effortlessly.

The Largest Mobile Crane - Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1The LTM 11200-9.1 is the strongest telescopic crane on the market and has the longest telescopic boom in the world. The eight-part boom is fully automatically extended to and fixed at the desired length. In addition, various lattice extensions are available. The Y-shaped telescopic-boom guying system offers remarkable increases in load capacity.

The Largest Demolition Shear - Rusch Triple 34-25 with Genesis 2500 Demolition ShearGenesis 2500 is a destruction machine with King Kong force.

The Largest Bucket - Wheel Excavator - Bagger 288The Bagger 288 was built for the job of removing overburden prior to coal mining in Tagebau Hambach , Germany . It can excavate 240,000 tons of coal or 240,000 cubic metres of overburden daily – the equivalent of a soccer field dug to 98 ft deep. The coal produced in one day fills 2400 coal wagons. The excavator is up to 721 ft long and approximately 315 ft high. The Bagger's operation requires 16.56 megawatts of externally supplied electricity. It can travel 6.6 to 33 ft per minute (0.1 to 0.6 km/h).

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